Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Times I Realize my Dog's Actually Kind of Smart

I've realized that I don't really give Allie enough credit for actually being a pretty smart dog. This is probably because at least once a day she spends several minutes barking/growling at her reflection in my bedroom window, runs into a wall, an end table, or some other piece of furniture on a daily basis, and is constantly knocking toys under my bed or couch and then headbutting the furniture thinking that's gonna magically free her toy from its grasps. Yes, on most days I'm pretty sure she has a few screws loose, but tonight I've come to the conclusion that my dog is more observant than I am.

Before you get too amazed at this possibility, I should probably tell you that I"m one of the least observant people on the planet. I once asked my mom when they put down new flooring in her bathroom  and was informed that this had occurred six months earlier. Keep in mind that this was when I still lived at home and showered in this very bathroom every day. I can spend the entire day with a person and not be able to tell you what color shirt they were wearing. So please don't ever ask me if I notice anything different about you, because unless your hair went from black to blonde or something drastic like that, I'm probably just gonna have some weird "deer in the headlights" expression and try to change the subject. Unless you've painted the fence outside of your house, I do tend to notice things like that. Yes I know I'm weird.

Anyway, Allie has decided to show me on a couple different occasions tonight that she's much more observant than her owner. The first was when I finally broke down and decided it was time to empty the kitchen trash. Since the dumpster is at the other end of the apartment complex and down a huge hill, it's not  a trip I try to take very often. However, since getting Allie, unless I've let the garbage get so out of control that I can't carry it with one hand, I take Allie along with me. This has actually only happened twice since I've gotten her (yes I empty my trash more than once a month, but I usually try to do it when someone can give me a ride to the dumpster because I'm lazy) and she has already learned what it means when I take the bag of trash out of the trash can. As soon as I pulled it out her tail started wagging and she ran around the apartment with glee.

The second time was just a few minutes ago. We're getting ready for bed so of course I get her leash on her to take her out before putting her in her crate. I decide as I open the door that we should go ahead and go to the mailbox while we're at it, so I bring her back inside to grab my keys. This had pretty much the same effect as the trash bag. She was suddenly wide awake and very excited to be going on another adventure. In just 2 months, she's already learned that when I bring my keys with me it means that we're not just going to the bathroom and right back inside, it means we're actually going somewhere that may be even more exciting than the grassy area under my balcony.

Now she's back to her usual self, spinning in circles trying to find her favorite ball which is actually under her. But I had to take a minute to brag on her for a little bit. It's the little things like this that keep her from driving me completely insane by eating my rug, pillows, and everything else I own.

Until next time, stay awesome.

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