Thursday, February 27, 2014

Being Broke Sure has Helped me Spend Less Money, and Other Brilliant Things I've Said Today

There are just some days where it seems that nothing I say makes much sense at all, today has been one of them. Because I am of course procrastinating and waiting for the inspiration and the know-how to strike for me to finish the computer program I have to write and turn in by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will tell you all about it. Get excited.

There are really only two of these little sayings, which can truly only be described as pearls of wisdom, that I've uttered today, but seeing as how I've only had an actual face-to-face conversation with one human, that's saying something. My point is that this may not be the novel you've gotten used to getting from me, but I'm not gonna promise anything.

1. "Being broke has really helped me spend less money."
Now personally I think Oprah or whoever the go-to advice person is these days should really adopt this idea and pass it on, because y'all it's truly amazing how little you spend when you have no money. Thankfully Lacey understood where I was going with this, but I'll explain it in case y'all don't quite see the brilliance in this statement. For the last couple years I've been saying I need to be better about spending money, but that's always been so much easier said than done. You see, for the last couple of years I've had a fairly sizable little chunk of change left over from my difference check every semester even after paying rent out of it. I wasn't rich by any stretch of the imagination, but it was definitely easy to justify ordering a $10 pizza if I was too lazy to cook. It also meant that I grocery shopped like a 5 year-old and would end up spending close to $100 for a week's worth of food. I couldn't care less about what brand my clothes are (as long as the jeans are Wrangler's and the boots are Ariats), but my food is a different story. Because it's just a simple fact that Blue Bell is the best ice cream that can possibly be purchased at Walmart, that 3 pound sack of cereal does not taste anything like whatever brand it's trying to imitate, and the Great Value potato chips are just lacking the grease that makes their Lays counterparts so delicious. But after realizing that my financial aid was actually less this year and that I would be paying rent over the summer which was something I'm not used to, I was definitely gonna have to tighten my grip on that debit card.
Adopting Allie has definitely helped in my money saving endeavors. Just in case y'all didn't know, buying a dog is a lot like having a baby, there's just a lot less physical pain involved. Now thankfully my family has been amazing and has helped out with a lot of the expenses, but now I get to pay not only my own rent, but Allie's as well. It's not too bad and I'm definitely not complaining, I wouldn't trade this girl for anything. I said from the get-go I'd eat nothing but Ramen Noodles if that's what I had to do to be able to afford to take care of her. I'm not quite at that point yet, but it's definitely changed the way I spend money. That's also the reason that I'm craving something sweet right now and can find nothing to satisfy that craving since I only bought the essentials rather than filling my buggy with junk food.
My point is this, it's a lot easier to be careful about what you spend your money on when you don't have the extra money to spend than it is when you know you shouldn't spend money, but you also know you do have the money to be able to do it. 

2. "Why does your computer say it's 5:30?" "Because the clock's wrong."
This one you probably just had to be here to see the humor in it. Lacey came over to cook some yummy BLTs for supper tonight and asked if she could use my laptop for a second to check her e-mail. My clock has been 2 hours slow for a couple weeks now even after I set it to the correct time, but since I've always either got my watch on or one of my iDevices close by, I haven't really worried about it. So when she asked why my computer said it was 5:30 when it clearly wasn't, I replied with a simple, yet duh-inducing, "because the clock's wrong". Like I said, you probably just had to be here.
I found this one particularly funny because it reminded me of something that happened on mine and Mama's most recent trip to Disney World. We were laying in our beds in the hotel room one night and she asked, "Why did it get so bright in here all of a sudden?" I said, "I didn't notice it getting brighter." she brilliantly replies, "Oh, I guess it's because I opened my eyes." Yep, it does in fact get brighter in a room when your eyes are open.

Anyway, I guess I should actually finish this computer program so me and Allie can hit the hay. She already got in her crate the last time she followed me into the bedroom, so I think that's her way of telling me she's sleepy.

Until next time, stay awesome.

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