I haven't even been awake for 2 full hours yet and it's already been "one of those days". At a little after one o'clock I drug myself out of bed since it was apparent that Allie had had enough of being stuck in her crate and was not going to let me sleep any longer. But it was ok, I told myself I'd spend all day studying for my Visual Basic programming midterm that's tomorrow and would be ready to go to bed early and maybe even get my sleep schedule back on track. I was doing really good about going to bed a decent hour, but that bit the dust when I was up until 6 Friday morning trying to write a program for the previously mentioned Visual Basic class. I was awake and actually kinda sorta motivated to study. As you can probably tell from the fact that I am writing this blog and therefore not studying, that the motivation didn't last very long.
I went through my normal daily routine, brushed my teeth, made the bed, got dressed, let Allie out of her crate, etc. The only thing out of the ordinary that occurred was that the light bulb in my ceiling fan went out, but more on that later. I then took Allie out so she could use the bathroom. Let's pause for a second.
A couple days after bringing Allie home, I made the mistake of walking her all the way to the other side of the complex down a huge hill which I really want to roll down like we used to as kids. Unfortunately now that's the only place she will poop.
Now there's really no other way to word this so I'm just gonna go for it. Y'all, I was really hoping she'd poop. She doesn't usually on our first outing of the day, probably because she normally goes right before we go to bed and she hasn't eaten anything between then and waking up. But since it was only slightly sprinkling at this particular moment I was hoping she'd go so that maybe I could get away with only taking her right around the corner from my apartment to pee until the rain's over later tonight. No such luck.
Anyway, no big problem there, I knew going into it that it was a long shot. Came back inside and decided I should probably do the dishes that I'd been putting off since yesterday afternoon. As I'm finishing up the dishes, Allie starts to whine and paw at the front door which is usually her sign that she really needs to go. I finish up the dishes and chase her around the apartment so I can put her collar and leash on her (it was so much easier when I could just clip the leash to the collar, but now she tries to eat said collar, so it has to come off when she's in the house) and took her outside. Of course the slow sprinkle of just a few minutes earlier had become a pretty steady rain. Keep in mind me and Mama just gave this crazy dog a bath yesterday, so I wasn't too thrilled at the possibility of her deciding to roll around in the mud, or at the least have to smell a wet dog for the rest of the day, but oh well, it comes with the territory. I walk her down the big hill and she refuses to use the bathroom, won't even sniff around for a spot. I keep her outside for probably 10 minutes in the hopes that she'd get over the excitement of being outside in the rain and actually do something, but again, no such luck.
Once we made it back inside I made myself a cup of coffee and decided I should probably change the light bulb in my ceiling fan. Now I'm not the most mechanically inclined individual, but I'm definitely able to change a light bulb in less than five minutes. As with every other light fixture I've ever dealt with, the ceiling fan had 3 screws, the first 2 of which came out without a problem. The third one, not so much. Now I've always heard of people complaining about trying to remove a stripped screw, but I'd never actually dealt with one myself. It was an experience I'll not soon forget. Y'all it took me at least 20 minutes and two 2 different screwdrivers to remove that stubborn screw. It didn't help matters any that Allie spent this entire span of time whining and running between the window and the front door. She picked a pretty awful day to get cabin fever.
My arms were on fire, but I eventually loosened the stupid screw and removed the cover and if wasn't attached to the rest of the fan because of the pull strings I swear I coulda thrown it across the room. Lucky y'all, this blog even has pictures.
Here is the light bulb I have, because I'm too poor and honestly just don't really care about the environment enough to buy the fancy energy saving light bulbs. Also, I'm weird and prefer that my bulbs produce enough light to actually be able to read by.
And here is the light bulb I need...
Because of this, here is how my ceiling fan will remain until I can buy the right light bulbs...
So once this little chore was finally done I took Allie out AGAIN, still with no result, and sat down to write this blog as I sip my unappetizing cup of cold coffee while Allie works at the Kong that I have hopefully stuffed to the point of keeping her occupied for the next hour or so. My goal is now to make a sandwich and actually get some studying done.
Until next time, stay awesome.